This section contains the source code of the game along with its comments.
# -------------------------------------> GAME <-------------------------------------
import random
# hangman drawing function; depending on number of incorrect guesses user has made appropriate message is shown
def draw_hangman(num_of_incr_guesses):
options = {
0: "_______________\n | / | \n |/ |\n |\n |\n |\n |\n |\n |\n=====",
1: "_______________\n | / | \n |/ |\n | O\n |\n |\n |\n |\n |\n=====",
2: "_______________\n | / | \n |/ |\n | O\n | |\n | |\n |\n |\n "
3: "_______________\n | / | \n |/ |\n | O\n | __|\n | |\n |\n |\n "
4: "_______________\n | / | \n |/ |\n | O\n | __|__\n | |\n |\n "
"|\n |\n=====",
5: "_______________\n | / | \n |/ |\n | O\n | __|__\n | |\n | "
" /\n |\n |\n=====",
6: "_______________\n | / | \n |/ |\n | O\n | __|__\n | |\n | "
" / \ \n |\n |\n=====",
7: "_______________\n | / | \n |/ |\n | X\n | __|__\n | |\n | "
" / \ \n |\n |\n=====",
# function that picks a random word from a list of words from the SOWPODS dictionary
def pick_random_word():
with open('sowpods_dict.txt', 'r') as f:
# read all words and save them in a list
list_of_words = f.readlines()
dict_size = len(list_of_words)
# generate random number
random_num = random.randint(0, dict_size + 1)
# take the word and remove any whitespaces
random_word = list_of_words[random_num].strip()
return random_word
# main function of the game
def play_hangman():
# generate random word and find it's length
secret_word = pick_random_word()
secret_word_length = len(secret_word)
# for each letter in random word add a space (for better game visual effect and later comparison purposes)
secret_word_with_ending_spaces = ""
for letter in secret_word:
secret_word_with_ending_spaces += letter + " "
# variables initialization
max_num_of_guesses = 6
guesses_counter = 0
user_word_list = []
user_wrong_letters = []
# first filling up of the user guessing list with underscores to indicate the length of the secret word
for i in range(secret_word_length):
user_word_list.append("_ ")
# joining into string to remove square brackets
user_word_str = "".join(user_word_list)
# welcome into the game and introduce length of the unknown secret word
print("Welcome to Hangman! Guess the word before your man gets hung!")
print("This is your secret word:")
# game logic - as long as user word isn't matching secret word and number of incorrect guesses has not be exceed
# keep asking user for a letter
while user_word_str != secret_word_with_ending_spaces and guesses_counter <= max_num_of_guesses:
user_letter = input("Guess a letter: ").upper()
# validating user input - only letters, if wrong input - ask again
if not user_letter.isalpha():
print("Only letters please!")
# validating user input - only one letter at a time, if wrong input - ask again
elif len(user_letter) > 1:
print("Only one letter at a time.")
# check if user guessed that letter already, if yes, ask again for a new one
elif user_letter in user_word_str:
print("You've tried this letter already. Choose a different one.")
# check if the guessed letter is in secret word
elif user_letter in secret_word:
# when it is - check it's all positions in secret word
letter_indices_in_sw = [i for i, letter in enumerate(secret_word) if letter == user_letter]
# overwriting the underscores with correctly guessed letters
for elem in letter_indices_in_sw:
user_word_list[elem] = user_letter + " "
# joining into string to remove square brackets and showing the updated word
user_word_str = "".join(user_word_list)
# check if user is trying to guess the incorrect letter again, if yes - ask for new letter
elif user_letter in user_wrong_letters:
print("You've tried this letter before and it's not there just trust me.")
# at this point it is known that guessed letter is not in the secret word
# hence increase the incorrect guess counter and make a note of that letter
guesses_counter += 1
# if the user still have moves print according message and draw a hangman
if guesses_counter <= max_num_of_guesses:
print("No such letter! Try a different one.")
# when user exceeds the amount of incorrect guesses he looses; an appropriate message is shown and a dead hangman
# is drawn; finally ask if want to play again
if guesses_counter > max_num_of_guesses:
print("You lost! You have reached the maximum number of incorrect guesses.\nThe secret word was --> {} "
"<--\nWhy don't you try again? :)".format(secret_word))
# otherwise he wins and so appropriate message is shown + ask if want to play again
print("Congratulations, you won!\nFancy playing one more time?")
# check if user want to play again
play_again = ""
# check for valid input, ask until valid
while play_again not in ("1", "2"):
play_again = input("To play press '1', to exit press '2': ")
# if want to play - resume the game
if play_again == "1":
print("\n---------------------------->>> NEW GAME <<<----------------------------\n")
return play_hangman()
# otherwise say goodbye and end the game
print("See you soon!")
if __name__ == '__main__':