Tic Tac Toe

Game rules:

Tic Tac Toe is an old paper and pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3x3 grid.

  • Each player takes a turn placing his character (X or O) into one of the nine squares
  • A player cannot place his symbol in a square that is already occupied by a symbol
  • The game ends when a player creates a winning combination of his symbols or when there are no empty squares remaining
  • The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner
  • When the board fills up with neither player winning, the game ends in a draw
  • It is up to the players who starts first and which mark they have
Game in action:

Why don't you have a go and play the game yourself in the console embedded below? :)

Program flow:

The following flow chart has been created and used as a basis for designing the program logic.

program flow diagram
Sample run:

Here is what the user sees when they run the Tic Tac Toe program. The following example game is won by the first player, X:

        Welcome to Tic Tac Toe game.

           |   |
        --- --- ---
           |   |
        --- --- ---
           |   |

        Player 1 do you want to be 'X' or 'O'? x
        Player 2 you are 'O' then.

        What is your move Mr X (row, col)? 1,3

           |   | X
        --- --- ---
           |   |
        --- --- ---
           |   |

        What is your move Mr O (row, col)? 3,2

           |   | X
        --- --- ---
           |   |
        --- --- ---
           | O |

        What is your move Mr X (row, col)? 2,2

           |   | X
        --- --- ---
           | X |
        --- --- ---
           | O |

        What is your move Mr O (row, col)? 3,3

           |   | X
        --- --- ---
           | X |
        --- --- ---
           | O | O

        What is your move Mr X (row, col)? 3,1

           |   | X
        --- --- ---
           | X |
        --- --- ---
         X | O | O

        Congratulations, X's has won the game!
        Would you like to play again (YES/NO)? no
        Bye bye!

Source code:

This section includes the source code of the game along with its comments.

        # ------------------------------------->     GAME     <-------------------------------------

        import re

        # check if player has won
        def check_score(board):
            # variable initialization
            is_winner = False
            who_won = None

            # Horizontal check:
            for row in range(3):
                if board[row][0] == board[row][1] and board[row][0] == board[row][2] and board[row][0] != " ":
                    is_winner = True
                    who_won = board[row][0]

            # Vertical check:
            for column in range(3):
                if board[0][column] == board[1][column] and board[0][column] == board[2][column] and board[0][column] != " ":
                    is_winner = True
                    who_won = board[0][column]

            # Diagonal check:
            if board[0][0] == board[1][1] and board[0][0] == board[2][2] and board[0][0] != " ":
                is_winner = True
                who_won = board[0][0]

            if board[0][2] == board[1][1] and board[0][2] == board[2][0] and board[0][2] != " ":
                is_winner = True
                who_won = board[0][2]

            return is_winner, who_won

        # insert mark at chosen position
        def insert_player(board, player_coordinates, player):
            # split the user input coordinates to get row and column separately
            coordinates_list = player_coordinates.split(",")
            # take into account indexing from zero by subtracting 1
            row = int(coordinates_list[0]) - 1
            column = int(coordinates_list[1]) - 1

            # check position availability, if available place a mark on the board and draw updated board
            if board[row][column] == " ":
                board[row][column] = player
                return True
                return False

        # function that asks for user position
        def ask_for_position(player, board):
            player_coordinates = ""
            # regexp check for correct input format, ask until correct
            while not re.search("^[1-3], ?[1-3]$", player_coordinates):
                player_coordinates = input("\nWhat is your move Mr {} (row, col)? ".format(player))

            # try to insert letter at chosen position
            inserted = insert_player(board, player_coordinates, player)
            # if position is taken ask for another position
            if not inserted:
                print("This position is already taken. Choose another position.")
                return ask_for_position(player, board)

            # return updated board (including users move)
            return board

        # board drawing function
        def draw_a_board_game(board):
            board_flat_list = []

            # board flattening list of list
            for row in board:
                for element in row:

            # board visualization for the user
            print("\n {} | {} | {} \n--- --- --- \n {} | {} | {} \n--- --- --- \n {} | {} | {} \n".format(*board_flat_list))

        # main function of the game
        def play():
            print("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe game.")
            # empty board initialization
            board = [[" ", " ", " "],
                     [" ", " ", " "],
                     [" ", " ", " "]]

            # call the board drawing function (shows empty board at the start)

            # ask user which letter they want to be and check input validation
            player1 = ""
            while player1 not in ("X", "O"):
                player1 = input("\nPlayer 1 do you want to be 'X' or 'O'? ").upper()

            # second player is automatically the other letter
            player2 = ""
            if player1 == "O":
                player2 = "X"
                print("Player 2 you are 'X' then.")
                player2 = "O"
                print("Player 2 you are 'O' then.")

            # ask player1 for a first position
            updated_board = ask_for_position(player1, board)

            # variable initialization
            is_winner = False
            who_won = None

            # ask each user for a new position until board is full
            for i in range(4):
                for player in [player2, player1]:
                    # ask for position
                    updated_board = ask_for_position(player, updated_board)
                    # after move check for winner
                    is_winner, who_won = check_score(updated_board)
                    # if someone wins stop asking for more moves even if the board is still not full
                    if is_winner:
                if is_winner:


            # depending on the score show appropriate message to the user/s
            if is_winner:
                print("Congratulations, {}'s has won the game!".format(who_won))
                print("No winner this time.")

            # ask users if they want to play again
            play_again = ""
            while play_again not in ("yes", "no"):
                play_again = input("Would you like to play again (YES/NO)? ").lower()

            # if want to play - resume the game, otherwise end it
            if play_again == "yes":
                print("\n---------------------------->>>  NEW GAME <<<----------------------------\n")
                return play()

            print("Bye bye!")

        if __name__ == '__main__':


This section contains the source code of a few unit tests that have been written to verify a correct operation of the code.

        import unittest
        import mock

        from tic_tac_toe_game import check_score, insert_player

        # tests for check_score function
        class TestCheckScore(unittest.TestCase):

            # test if game is still in progress (empty squares remaining)
            def test_game_in_progress(self):
                boards = [
                    [[' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' ']],
                    [[' ', 'O', ' '], [' ', ' ', 'O'], ['X', ' ', ' ']],
                    [['X', 'X', ' '], ['X', 'O', 'O'], ['O', 'O', 'X']],

                for board in boards:
                    is_winner, who_won = check_score(board)

            # test for a correct winner
            def test_weve_got_a_winner(self):
                boards_x = [
                    [['X', ' ', ' '], [' ', 'X', 'O'], [' ', ' ', 'X']],
                    [['O', ' ', 'X'], [' ', 'X', ' '], ['X', ' ', ' ']],
                    [[' ', 'X', ' '], [' ', 'X', ' '], ['O', 'X', ' ']],
                    [[' ', 'O', ' '], ['X', 'X', 'X'], ['O', ' ', ' ']],

                boards_o = [
                    [['O', ' ', ' '], [' ', 'O', 'X'], [' ', ' ', 'O']],
                    [['X', ' ', 'O'], [' ', 'O', ' '], ['O', ' ', ' ']],
                    [[' ', 'O', ' '], [' ', 'O', ' '], ['X', 'O', ' ']],
                    [[' ', 'X', ' '], ['O', 'O', 'O'], ['X', ' ', ' ']],

                for board in boards_x:
                    is_winner, who_won = check_score(board)
                    self.assertEqual(who_won, "X")

                for board in boards_o:
                    is_winner, who_won = check_score(board)
                    self.assertEqual(who_won, "O")

            # test for no winner
            def test_no_winner(self):
                boards = [
                    [['X', 'O', 'X'], ['X', 'O', 'O'], ['O', 'X', 'X']],
                    [['O', 'X', 'X'], ['X', 'O', 'O'], ['O', 'O', 'X']]

                for board in boards:
                    is_winner, who_won = check_score(board)

        draw_a_board_game_mock = mock.Mock()

        # tests for insert_player function
        class TestInsertPlayer(unittest.TestCase):

            # mock the draw_a_board_game function as it would be unnecessarily invoked each time the insert_player function
            # is called
            @mock.patch('tic_tac_toe_game.draw_a_board_game', draw_a_board_game_mock)
            # test for correct symbol insertion (allow when the square is empty)
            def test_insert_ok(self):
                b1 = [[' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' ']]
                coords = '1,2'
                player = 'O'
                inserted = insert_player(b1, coords, player)
                self.assertEqual(b1[0][1], player)

                b2 = [[' ', 'O', 'X'], ['X', ' ', 'O'], ['O', ' ', ' ']]
                coords = '3, 3'
                player = 'X'
                inserted = insert_player(b2, coords, player)
                self.assertEqual(b2[2][2], player)

            # test for falsy symbol insertion (when the square is already occupied)
            def test_insert_not_ok(self):
                b1 = [[' ', 'X', ' '], ['O', 'X', ' '], [' ', 'O', ' ']]
                coords = '1,2'
                player = 'O'
                inserted = insert_player(b1, coords, player)
                self.assertEqual(b1[0][1], 'X')

                b2 = [[' ', 'O', 'X'], ['X', ' ', 'O'], ['O', ' ', 'X']]
                coords = '3, 3'
                player = 'X'
                inserted = insert_player(b2, coords, player)
                self.assertEqual(b2[2][2], "X")